Beauty is inherited — and that’s a statement this woman on the Internet took a little too seriously.
Nebrazkhaa Spanish-speaking mother on TikTok, thought her son was “too ugly” as a newborn and demanded a DNA test to make sure he was hers.
The peculiar story blew up as it made the rounds online, with more than 11M views and upwards of 700K likes.
- A mother wanted a DNA test because she thought her newborn was too ugly to be hers.
- Her story went viral on social media, amassing over 11 million views and 700K likes.
- Initially disheartened by her son’s looks, she later accepted him when she realized their resemblance with one another.
- Comments on her viral video ranged from lighthearted to critical of her honesty.
A mother went viral on social media for believing her son was “too ugly” to be hers
Image credits: nebrazkha
In the four-minute long videotranslated to English, she explained that although she didn’t see herself as particularly “pretty,” she wasn’t “ugly” either and had high hopes for how her child would look.
“I said, ‘he’s going to be pretty, at least he’s going to be white.’ My mom has green eyes, and my aunts too. I have cousins who are also white and have light eyes, so I had high expectations,” she said.
Safe to say, those expectations were not met.
“When I saw that my child was born with tanned skin, a big nose, and was small and skinny, I didn’t say anything but inside I was sad and discouraged.
“He doesn’t look like me,” she claimed.
Image credits: nebrazkhaa
Nebrazkha knew that the most important factor was her child’s health and that all children are beautiful in their own ways, but if she was being frank, she needed to accept the reality: “My son was really ugly.”
Out of desperation, she turned to the possibility of DNA testing, believing her partner would agree with this decision.
“Thank God he was born healthy, but the ugly can’t be taken away and at that moment, I didn’t understand,” she said. “I said that he wasn’t my son and that they had changed him. I saw his face and I was surprised.”
Nebrazkha was “sad and discouraged” by her son’s appearance
Image credits: nebrazkha
A week after her son’s birth, she had a conversation with her partner about conducting a DNA test — but was met with denial.
“Don’t worry, that’s how I was when I was a baby,” was reportedly his response.
Despite it all, Nebrazkha felt something “inside” that told her “he wasn’t my son and that I had no maternal attachment.”
Image credits: nebrazkha
She began to save up money after realizing her partner wouldn’t agree to cover the necessary costs.
But right before she was set to send her child for DNA testing, she looked at her son, realizing that her son did, in fact, share much resemblance.
Her acceptance came shortly afterward.
In Nebrazkha’s eyes, her son is now beautiful — but only because his features began to change over the years. She admitted to her rather immature thinking and believes he will take after her family’s genes.
Image credits: nebrazkha
Comments under the mother’s video were relatively lighthearted, thinking the brutal honesty of the situation was hilarious.
“HAHAHA I love the sincerity of the moms of this generation. 🤣🫶🏻✨” laughed one user.
“The same thing happened to me, my son was born very ugly and I didn’t know why 😔 until I realized that he looked like his father. 😅😂” another wrote.
Those in the comment section poked fun at Nebrazkha’s initial horror
Image credits: nebrazkha
A third joked, “I laughed my head off! Me pregnant reading this and thinking God please make mine pretty! 😂😂”
Others, however, didn’t think the video was a laughing matter.
“I pity this poor kid when he grows up and sees this video,” someone said.
“When your worst enemy is your own mom,” a netizen pointed out.
Image credits: nebrazkhaa
A user quoted Nebrazkha’s relief at knowing her son was going to be white and asked, “So if he was brown-skinned, it would be a bad thing?”
It’s a hidden social rule that strangers should always tell a baby’s mother their child is beautiful, even if they don’t necessarily think so. But the safety net of an anonymous name can reveal someone’s true thoughts — even the newborn’s own parent.
“As a mom of two, my babies looked like weird, misshapen potatoes. Puffy eyes, cone heads, squished ears. Newborns are weird looking,” said someone on a Reddit threadreported by Buzzfeed.
Anonymous mothers shared their true first thoughts upon seeing their babies
Image credits: nebrazkha
@nebrazkhaMi pensamiento inmaduro en ese entonces 😂 yo pensaba que saldria parecido a mi familia por ser familia pues 🤭♬ sonido original – nebrazkha
Though she had never considered testing the DNA of her child, another mother recalled how her first thought was that her son looked like Don Rickles.
“Happily, his looks have improved significantly, but I was concerned at the time that he might be designated ‘Ugliest Baby in the Maternity Ward’ or something. For all I know, he was.”
Comments flocked to tell Nebrazkha she wasn’t alone in her line of thinking
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