Philadelphia man narrowly escapes death as plane crash debris, heading straight for his head
Philadelphia man narrowly escapes death as plane crash debris, heading straight for his head
Philadelphia man narrowly escapes death as plane crash debris, heading straight for his head
Made up of shed skin cells, pet dander, insect droppings, pollen, lint, and soil particles, dust is everywhere. Dust can cling to vertical surfaces, fabrics, and every imaginable surface. Unless you like your home to look like you’re ready for a Halloween haunted house, dusting is key. Take a look at the best ways to […]
When it comes to cleaning your home, some spots are simply harder to reach than others. Whether it’s ceiling corners, behind the refrigerator, or the tops of tall cabinets, these tricky areas can collect dust, dirt, and grime that often goes unnoticed. But with the right tools and techniques, you can tackle these hard-to-reach spaces […]
Fall leaves are crunchy and colorful but add another task to your yard maintenance to-do list. Yard maintenance professionals stress how important it is for the health of your lawn to remove fallen leaves. To make raking leaves easier—and more fun—borrow these strategies from the pros and enjoy a tidier, healthier lawn as a result. […]
A 30-year-old gay man took to r/NoStupidQuestions with, one could argue, a question that put the name of the subreddit to the test. “Why do women behave so strangely until they find out I’m gay?” User u/taco_nacho_burrito wrote that when he talks to women, they start off “super quiet, reserved, uninterested in making any sort […]
Every year, it’s natural to look for new ways to add some excitement to your life. Instead of jumping out of a plane or traveling to the farthest country you can think of, what easier (and more low-stakes) way to inject some fun into your life than dusting off your “haircut ideas” board on Pinterest? […]
As winter approaches, people may wonder how stray animals stay warm and safe. Stray cats in particular are highly adaptable creatures and their home is the great outdoors, so most of the time there’s not much that people need to do to protect them. But when temperatures dip to dangerous levels, caring humans naturally want […]
Flickr / chidorian Don’t get in the way of these old folks and their bingo! That’s at least one lesson learned in Mississauga, Canada when seniors were asked to stop their unlicensed bingo tournaments. After some complaints to the city about unlicensed gambling, the Ontario Alcohol and Gaming Commission took it upon themselves to crack […]