Pop Culture & Trends

Astronomer who discovered what stars are made of faced bias

  • December 23, 2024

If you asked an average person to name influential astronomers in history, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin likely wouldn’t be among them. But there’s an argument to be made that she should be a household name. She’s the reason we know what stars are made ofbut gender bias nearly kept the astrophysicist from gaining the recognition she deserved. […]

Pop Culture & Trends

Scientists discover mealworm that eats plastic waste

  • December 21, 2024

Since its publication in 1843, Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” has been retold in a zillion different ways, from serious stage plays to animated musicals to a Muppet movie to a horror miniseries. The role of Ebenezer Scrooge (or his character equivalent) has been played by famous actors such as Michael Caine, Bill Murray, Jim […]

Pop Culture & Trends

Middle-schooler accidentally finds groundbreaking new anti-cancer compound in goose poop

  • December 7, 2024

Antibiotics are amazing, and one of our best tools for fighting infections and disease. They’re literal lifesavers. Unfortunately, more and more bacteria have developed drug-resistance, which means scientists continue to relentlessly hunt for new antibiotics that might show promise for human applications. Camarria Williams, a middle-schooler from Chicago, thought she was taking part in a […]