My uncle committed s***ide to escape the hatred of the family. He was gay and their “Christian” values said to treat him like absolute garbage because of it. After he passed my grandmother tried to destroy all of his things; they were/are apparently possessed by demons. I was allowed to know him, though. He was […]
“Better safe than sorry.” Source: TikTok | @mayacherry10 A young woman attributed her love for crime-centric TV shows as the reason she may’ve saved her and her friend from a fishy interaction with an older man in a Target parking lot. Maya Cherry (@mayacherry10) posted about her experience in a viral TikTok that’s accrued over […]
After parents welcome a new baby into their family, it’s a given that loved ones will want to meet and hold the little bundle of joy. However, such visits can get quickly overwhelming, as parents instinctively worry about their child’s well-being and safety while having many people around. This mom was particularly anxious about germs […]
When it comes time to take down your natural tree, you might think that tossing it in the fireplace is an economical and simple solution for disposal. However, it’s not a good idea to burn your Christmas tree for firewood—it can cause issues with your fireplace and chimney. Rather than risking your safety, there are […]