Pop Culture & Trends

‘I’ll Always Remember the Audience Reaction’

  • October 14, 2024

Actor Samuel L. Jackson looks back on Pulp Fiction as one of the most iconic films he’s been a part of. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Quentin Tarantino-directed flick, on Monday (October 14), the 75-year-old posted a photo carousel from behind-the-scenes and during the 1994 Cannes Film Festival. “PULP FICTION is 30! This […]

Pop Culture & Trends

14-yr-old Alabama boy blew AGT judges and audience away with soulful 'You Don't Own Me'

Ever since American Idol gave us the one-and-only Kelly Clarkson in its first season, modern talent competitions have become a staple of television viewing. We’ve seen so many incredible performers come through shows like “American Idol,” “The Voice,” and the “Got Talent” series, but there are still some singers who manage to surprise and delight […]