George Clooney questioned celebrities’ use of social media during his 2013 interview with Esquire.
He explained: “Because first of all, the worst thing you can do is make yourself more available, right? Because you’re going to be available to everybody. But also Twitter. So one drunken night, you come home and you’ve had two too many drinks and you’re watching TV and somebody pisses you off, and you go ‘Ehhhhh’ and fight back. And you go to sleep, and you wake up in the morning and your career is over. Or you’re an a——. Or all the things you might think in the quiet of your drunken evening are suddenly blasted around the entire world before you wake up.”
The ER alum shared a similar sentiment at the Toronto Film Festivalsaying he would rather have “a rectal examination on live TV by a fellow with cold hands” than launch a Facebook page.