It’s hard to wake up in America and read the words “Hunter Biden” in the news. On days like this, if you listen closely, you can hear the frustrated pangs of millions, crying, “God, who gives a shit?” to the heavens. Sadly, those looking to play “utterly ineffective hypocrisy finder but for Democrats” live for this. On tonight’s The Daily ShowAmerica’s favorite hypocrisy finder, Jon Stewart, also waded into the Hunter Biden pardon, had a flip-flop field day, and actually found a helpful takeaway.
It didn’t start so well. Stewart nearly lost his audience as he transitioned from dunking on Kash PatelTrump’s nominee for head of the FBI, to needling President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his beloved son, Hunter. The Daily Show audience doesn’t want to hear about the guy leaving the White House. He’s the guy that got us into this mess. However, it was Biden and the Democrat’s love affair with “the rule of law” and not Biden’s love for his children that stuck in Stewart’s craw. Well, that and the pardon’s specificity. Why does Hunter need a pardon going back 11 years for crimes he may or may not have committed? That’s a question for conspiracy theorists, and we’ll definitely be hearing about it in the not-so-distant future.
Because Biden had spent the last few months telling people he wasn’t going to pardon his son, he opened himself up to the very criticisms the President and his party typically lob at Republicans. Why is Hunter getting a pardon and not “the J-6 hostages,” as the President-elect asked on his own publicly traded social media website? Well, it’s a question Stewart was interested in exploring. Not the “Why does our next president own a social media website” question, but rather, why do the Democrats lean on concepts like “the rule of law” as if they’ll never bend that rule? The Biden presidency has been filled with hypocrisy, creating a “purity test” that Democrats can’t live up to and leading to mealy-mouthed defenses and justifications. Biden would make concessions for Saudi Arabia and the Southern border while also campaigning against Trump for doing the same thing. While that’s nothing new in politics, Stewart is urging, once again, for the Democrats to start exploiting loopholes that would help people outside of the family.
“Rules, loopholes, and norms,” Stewart said, echoing a monologue from a few weeks ago. “The distance between the systems Democrats say they are revering and the one that they’re using when they need to is why people think it’s rigged. Use the rules, use the loopholes, fuck the norms. But also use it to help people. Not just those related to you.”