By Mia Beach
Tell us about your new book of cartoons!
Are We On A Date? is a collection of cartoons about men, women, dating, love and relationships. It features many of the situations that anyone who’s ever been in a relationship goes through. Are We On A Date? is available as an ebook.
A lot of your cartoons are about city life- what are some of your favorite and least favorite things about urban life?
My favorite thing about urban life is the close proximity to millions of people. My least favorite thing about urban life is the close proximity to millions of people.
How long have you been drawing cartoons?
Only a few decades.
What do you love about cartoons in particular?
I think there’s something very magical about cartoons. Where else can someone create an entire world in just a few lines?
Do you still have some of your earliest work?
I do. It’s interesting to look at it and see how my style has evolved, or devolved, depending on your point of view.
Many artists these days have made the switch to digital drawing. Do you still draw by hand?
I still draw by hand. To me, tech support is sharpening my pencil. I like the simplicity of a piece of paper and a pencil.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
I’d be in a parallel universe where cartoonists are as revered as actors, athletes and rock stars, and are financially compensated accordingly.
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Check out more of Marc’s Cartoons here!