Pop Culture & Trends

Father of Missing Woman Found Dead, Search For Her Continues

Hannah is  5 feet, 10 inches tall, weighing about 140 pounds and has brown hair and eyes, with fair skin and freckles. Hannah had reportedly traveled with her ex-boyfriend from Hawaii to LAX, her family told HawaiiNewsNow. The two booked the trip before they broke up.

The ex, who has reportedly been extremely responsive and cooperative with the investigation, said they did not sit together and did not have contact during the flight. He made his connecting flight to New York. Meanwhile, after missing her flight, Hannah attended a LeBron James event at The Grove in Los Angeles.

Afterward, her family started receiving odd texts from her. “She mentioned feeling scared, and that someone might be trying to steal her money and identity,” her aunt said. “Strange, cryptic messages — things about the matrix, it was so unlike her. And then all of a sudden, no more communication.”

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