On the same day of the crash, TikToker Tarot Noir stated that she believed there was going to be an attack on a commercial airline and that it’d be an “inside job” from someone on board.
On the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 29, a helicopter carrying three military personnel crashed into an American Airlines plane carrying four crew members and 60 passengers. Unfortunately, no survivors were left in the aftermath of the crash: all 67 individuals on board both aircraft perished as a result of the collision that occurred near Washington, D.C. Airport.
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The vessels both crashed into the Potomac River and as of this writing, only 28 bodies have been recovered.
According to CBS Newsthe helicopter was conducting a training exercise when it collided with American Eagle Flight No. 5342, which had departed from Wichita, Kans. and was set to land in D.C.
On the same day of the crash, TikToker Tarot Noir (@thehawkerseye) stated that she believed there was going to be an attack on a commercial airline and that it’d be an “inside job” from someone on board.
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She added that she believed it could be someone who worked for the airline or an airplane worker who contributed to the crash. “It’s a man-made disaster … done intentionally. Plane’s actually targeted, it’s not some sort of malfunction that happens.”
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Furthermore, she added that she kept seeing a “small plane” adding that it was a “military or private jet” aircraft. This is especially intriguing considering the fact that the other aircraft that was involved in this disaster was Black Hawk attack helicopter out on a training exercise.

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She stated that the private vessel would have a “very important couple on board.” Which she broke down further. “One of them is connected somehow to technology.” Tarot Noir believed one of them was tied to technology somehow and that the couple liked the “finer things in life” and enjoyed going out partying.
The folks who would perish in this private jet crash are “household names” with a very large following on social media, she went on to state.
She said that she wasn’t sure which of these crashes was going to come first between the well-known couple and the commercial airliner. However, she stated that something in her gut was continually telling her that the commercial airliner would be what went down first.
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Tarot Noir did concede that the two “could flip. I don’t know which one is first.”
She did make some other predictions in her video as well, namely “food shortages” in the earlier part of 2025 along with “some big news around some sort of health matter.”
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She clarified that this last prediction wasn’t one that’s necessarily tied to a person, but rather it would be revealed some types of experiments or tests were going to be tied to the announcement of this purported “health matter.”
Tarot Noir also stated that the aforementioned predictions aren’t necessarily for the United Kingdom, where she’s based, either. However, she did go on to mention another portent for the future: That in the U.K., there would be some type of “scandal” involving an older male in a position of power.
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She said that she sees this person will ultimately abuse their power in a relationship dynamic with a younger male.
Numerous folks who responded to her video thought it was eerie how she seemingly predicted the plane crash that occurred over the Potomac River near Washington, D.C. airport.
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One TikTok user on the application indicated that Tarot Noir’s video was uploaded some “12 to 13 hours before the American Airlines and Black Hawk crash.”

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Others seemed to agree with the part of her mentioning she thought it was an inside job, though there is no evidence to support that theory at this time. “There’s no way I can ever believe a highly trained Black Hawk pilot couldn’t see a passenger jet in front of them on a clear night,” one skeptic wrote.
Here’s where things get a little weirder: One commenter mentioned that two of the passengers on that Kansas flight were a Russian Figure skating couple.