Did life used to be simpler? Gen Xers and Boomers weigh in.

People have a tendency to look at the past through rose-colored glasses, focusing more on positive memories than negative ones (barring major traumas, which ). So when you ask a group of older people about what life was like in their younger years, you might get some less-than-accurate recollections. Nostalgia is a powerful filter, and time has a way of altering our perceptions of how things used to be.

That being said, times do change and the world has seen some dramatic shifts in our elders’ lifetimes. Young folks can only imagine what life was like before the internet and smartphones and map apps that tell us step-by-step exactly how to get where we’re going, while older people can look back on personal memories from those “simpler” days.

But was life really simpler then or is that just something people say out of a sense of nostalgia? A 28-year-old asked Gen Xers and Boomers that questionand ironically, the answer is a bit complicated.

In some ways, of course, life was simpler…or at least slower

The pace of everything seems to have accelerated and we find ourselves bombarded with so much stuff coming at us so fast, it’s overwhelming. We’re in a constant state of overstimulation, without the quiet down time we used to have built into the rhythm of daily life.

“Life was slower, which gave you time to deal with life, making it simpler.”

“”It was quieter. A bit slower. Less overstimulating.”

“For every aspect of life made easier and sped up by technology, we’re expected to do more to use the time that’s been freed up. Doing boring tasks like hand laundry and washing dishes was a real chore, but it offered time to think and slow down mentally. I think this is something many of us lack at this point. Moreover, these days people would probably be watching a video on their phone or listening to a podcast while doing these tasks – that’s fine, but it doesn’t provide the mental down-time that was built into life much more back in the day. I think that being bored sometimes is probably good for our mental health.”

“The speed of our ability to process and act is definitely out of balance with the speed of information.”

“Tech evolved faster than our brains. A lot of people are suffering.”

Having too many choices has made things feel more complicated

The irony of the modern age is that we have so much easy access to so many things, and those practically limitless choices are a burden on our psyches. The small stresses of so many small decisions add up mentally, making the world feel more complicated.

“Of course it was simpler. The more choices you have in any category (food, music, dating, finance), the more exponentially complicated it becomes. Millions of songs to choose from? 300 TV channels plus streaming services? Apps on my “smartphone” letting me see every available woman in a hundred mile radius? There are so many choices it’s hard to make one.”

“This is a great point. I clearly remember a co-worker in the early 1990s expressing frustration in going to Home Depot to buy black spray paint. He complained about too many choices and longed for the old days when life was simpler. This post made me curious, so I did a quick search, and it seems Home Depot currently offers 19 types of black spray paint.”

“This is such a good point. Having only 3 cable channels (4 when fox came along!) made it so much easier to decide what to watch on tv. Now we have thousands of options. I actually get stressed when I’m choosing a new show to stream lol.”

“It was simpler because we had fewer options to choose from. Did I need a new pair of steel-toe work boots? Only one store in town sold them. They carried two brands. But only one brand had my size in stock. So I “chose” the only pair available. Simple.

Nowadays, with the internet, I’m supposed to choose from 100 possibilities, do the research, read the reviews. On the one hand, it’s a hassle. On the other, I’m more likely to end up with boots that better meet my priorities.”

On the other hand, many things are far simpler (or easier) than they used to be

There’s no denying that technology has simplified a lot of tasks that used to be much more cumbersome. Vacation planning? Submitting applications for jobs or college? Figuring out how to fix something or finding a random part for a broken item? Being able to listen to a specific song or watch a specific movie? All infinitely simpler today than in the past.

“So many things are easier now. Banking for instance. Paying bills. Finding parts for your lawn mower or dishwasher. There is a YouTube video for any repair. Planning a trip. Almost everything is easier now than when I was a kid. Is it simpler then or now? Life is as simple as you make it. If you don’t unnecessarily complicate your life, the ease of things today would make for the potential for a very simple life.”

“In some ways, it’s WAY simpler now. I want to register for some college classes? No lineups in person, no phone registration…just a few clicks on my laptop and I’m in. I never, ever have to fight crowds to do Christmas shopping. I don’t have to wait a week to watch the latest episode of Seinfeld (sub in any current TV show). I want my Costo groceries, but my car’s in the shop? Boom–delivered. Oh wait, I can just grab an Evo on the street outside my apartment and drive there! I am remembering my favourite album from fifty years ago? Hey Google, play “Madman Across the Water”! I forgot to pay my Hydro bill! Open laptop…three minutes later: done! Car battery dies? Contact BCAA online, they book me a tech to replace it at my home, and send a link for a map showing the tech’s progress to my home. I could go on and on because I think about this [stuff] every day and how much I love it!”

“Say you wanted to go on vacation. You had to write for information on specific places. You’d then write a hotel for reservations. You could call if they had a 800 number. You get all your reservations, and a map. You get travelers checks and cash from the bank— better get there before 5:00.

You’re on your way. Shit, you got a flat, or your car overheated. You need to walk, hitchhike, or knock on a random door for help. Too bad it’s the weekend. You’ll get a new tire on Monday.

Your destination is beautiful. You have three rolls of film— 36 photos. You pay $20 to get them developed and maybe 8 are decent. That thing you really wanted to see, oof, closed for restoration. Wish you knew.

Nothing is that complicated now. I have the knowledge of the world in my hand. I can drive 8 hours at 80mph and my car is fine, and has AC. I can check my bank account and pay bills 24/7. I know where my kids are all the time and can text them to come help.”

As some people pointed out, life was simpler but it was also harder. Is that better? Depends on who you ask. A lot of what makes life feel complicated today are the choices we make about how we use technology, but we also rely on technology so figuring out how to simplify that part of our lives now feels…well…complicated.

There’s no putting the genie back in the bottle at this point, but forcing ourselves to slow down, unplug and limit our own choices can help us bring back at least a little bit of the simplicity of the past.

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